Can you microwave food in plastic containers?
Or your unborn child.
Are infertility, diabetes, obesity and cancer at greater risk?
Is there a similar risk of using drinking water in plastic containers or plastic containers?
Is it possible that the lining of canned food, canned drinks or some cosmetics is lurking in danger?
It all sounds like ridiculous alarmist.
Indeed, some experts say so.
But according to relevant scientists gathered in Brussels today, the risks are very real.
And raise the concern that we are increasingly relying on a set of chemicals that exist in almost everything we use, from plastic bottles, beverage cans and paints to clothing, cosmetics, toothpaste and
Scroll down and watch the video. these are \"endocrine-
Interfering with chemicals, or EDCs, can interfere with the way our glands produce hormones that actually control everything our bodies do, it includes the way we breed, grow, sleep, heal to develop spirit and burn energy.
Hormones are \"chemical messengers\" that travel through blood to the target cells of a particular organ.
There, the receptor receives information and triggers a biological response.
But EDCs destroyed the system and cheated the organs to do the wrong thing.
When they reach the receptor, they either block the hormone information or mimic the hormone information, triggering an abnormal response.
World Health Organization (WHO)
It is estimated that more than 800 of these chemicals are in use, so large that they are everywhere --
Not only on products, but also on the environment and food chain.
EDCs are entering the environment through wastewater systems, agricultural operations
By taking in food, dust and water, inhaling gas and particles in the air, and skin contact, according to a report published last year by WHO and the United Nations Environment Programme. The 296-
Page report is by far the most comprehensive report, it identifies many patients with heart disease, stroke, ADHD and other learning disabilities between exposure to edcs and problems such as breast and prostate cancer, infertility, diabetes, early puberty, obesity, autoimmune diseases, asthma, etc. alzheimer\'s disease and Parkinson\'s disease.
It concluded that \"the interference effect of many untested synthetic chemicals on the hormone system may have a significant impact on health\" and called for urgent research.
Is there a chemical behind obesity?
The main victims are unborn children, and according to the Washington International Endocrine Society, in many cases this effect will only occur later
An organization based in Europe, demanding a ban on EDCs, is behind the scenes of a delegation that today asked the European Parliament to take urgent action.
One of the latest discoveries, a big one
The Canadian scale study, published last month, exposed unborn children to O-bendiate and D-phenol (BPA)
Obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes in later life.
The Endocrine Society says BPA is one of the most worrying chemicals.
It exists in countless products, including reusable beverage bottles and food storage containers.
In 2011, the European Commission banned the use of BPA in baby bottles, and this year, the European Food Safety Agency, after studies showed it had a harmful effect on the liver, reduced the \"tolerable kidneys and breasts recommended by bpas. In the U. S.
In a 2004 survey, BPA was found from urine samples of 2,500 children over the age of 6, the government\'s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences now advises consumers not to microwave food in plastic containers, because heat makes it easier for chemicals to ooze out;
They should also use less canned food and store food in glass, porcelain or stainless steel.
However, the UK Food Standards Agency\'s Information on BPA is reassuring.
The report says there is no conclusive evidence of a link between harmful effects on human reproductive health and exposure to these chemicals.
But the Endocrine Society, which represents 17,000 endocrine scientists around the world, believes that EDCs do not have a level of safety or \"tolerance\" and wants more stringent control of BPA.
It also looks at neighboring benzene Ester, a group of chemicals used to make plastic more flexible, which can be found in products including packaging, garden hoses and medical tubes.
Phthalate is related to the \"feminisation\" of boys in the uterus and the development of behavioral problems in young children.
Although they have been banned from use in toys in the EU since 2005, in the United States, part of the ban imposed in 2008 seems to be extended, however, it is still used in many other products, including some nail polish and hair gel.
The association said in a statement last week that almost everyone on Earth has been exposed to EDCs.
Given the increasing evidence against EDCs, some experts are changing their behaviour.
For example, Professor Richard iwell, an endocrine scientist at the University of Nottingham and one of the delegations lobbying lawmakers in Brussels today, no longer microwave anything in plastic containers.
The scientific basis for the concerns about EDCs is now clear, he said, but nonetheless, \"in Brussels, we find legislation regulating these chemicals running aground \".
The EU delayed action in 2010, and the European Commission began collecting scientific evidence as part of a plan to ban EDCs, but progress was hit by delays and industry requirements to assess the commercial impact of such bans.
Ongoing consultations mean that the Commission failed to agree on what the EDC was by the deadline of December 2013.
The consultation ended in January, but Andreas coltenkamp, a professor of human toxicology at Brunel University and a top expert at EDCs, believes that the process will last for many years.
He explained: \"It is clear that banning EDCs can cause huge losses to the chemical industry because these substances are everywhere.
Industry must not only find alternatives for these chemicals, but also justify the use of them.
Concerns about this delay led 89 public health experts to ask the Commission last year to deliver on the promise of strict regulation of EDCs.
They worry about the prevalence of endocrine diseases.
The fact that related diseases continue to increase in the EU and globally is not fully recognized by the public, and policy makers in EU member states largely ignore this fact.
Experts say poison is now in our food and action must be taken as soon as possible due to the severity of the problem.
The individually used neighboring benzene Ester is now widely used and they have entered the food chain --
According to the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, this is partly due to material contact with food during production and use, and also because a large amount of water may be washed down the sewer and into the river.
Some governments have lost patience with the delays in Brussels.
In May, Sweden announced that it would sue the commission in the European court because it failed to introduce regulations defining EDCs by its own deadline.
\'We want the court to force the Commission to provide scientific standards so that we can start to move in the direction of poison, \'he said.
The Swedish government says free society.
Last month, the ministers of the environment of Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Norway sent a letter to the committee asking for action to reduce contact with EDCs.
Our own government is notable for its absence.
In May 2011, Britain and Germany proposed a joint plan to regulate EDCs within existing EU legislation.
But they warn that labeling chemicals with EDC could have a \"huge commercial impact,\" and they say the practice should only be left to those known to be the most dangerous.
The problem is that no one can determine which are the most serious criminals.
That\'s why Sweden and other countries want all EDCs to be seen as potentially equally dangerous.
According to a report by the World Health Organization last year, experts say about 800 chemicals are currently suspected to be EDCs.
Some concentrations and certain products prohibit the use of some substances including diphenol a and o-benzene Ester, but the vast majority of the substances are still unregulated.
The problem, the report says, is that the effects of most chemicals used commercially on hormones have not been tested at all.
Who acknowledges that \"it may never be possible to absolutely determine that a particular exposure can lead to a particular disease or dysfunction \"--
Nevertheless, it says that there are now enough clues to suspect that EDCs may be behind the scenes of some unexplained problems that are increasingly affecting humans, including infertility and obesity, to prove action
Evidence against EDCs has been accumulating.
Over the past five years, no less than 772 papers have been published around the world highlighting the dangers of chemicals.
Are there any risks with antibacterial products?
One of the governments that have taken measures to protect their population is Denmark.
In 2012, Danish people gave advice to pregnant women to avoid EDCs, especially to avoid hair dye, flexible PVC-
For artificial leather-
Any product that has been antibacterial (
Chemicals such as chlorine powder are related to allergies).
The UK gives the industry an official route on EDCs
Association of Chemical Industry-
Slogan: \'You can\'t live without us.
In September, it maintained that science still needed to identify substances that could have harmful effects on the endocrine system.
Dr. Roger pryn, head of health at the Association, admitted that some chemicals showed evidence of interaction with the body\'s hormonal system.
However, it is only in the case that \"there are reasonable health issues that are supported by sound science\" that the association supports \"the need for appropriate regulatory action \".
The association believes that \"potatoes \"--
Toxicity of chemicals
It must be considered when deciding whether it is an EDC, so that many other substances that have significant benefits to society, including the benefits to the British and European economies, will not be subject to unreasonable restrictions.
Professor Ivell says the problem with this is that EDCs are more sinister than the old ones
School toxic substances such as pesticides, which have been used for decades before they are associated with cancer, are banned in their 70 s.
Obviously, we have known about pesticides for a long time and they are toxic from a toxicology perspective, but you can use a lower level.
The problem with EDCs is that we don\'t even know if we can apply standards such as safety levels, because every time we look at these things in a scientific test, we can\'t find a place where they are absolutely harmless.
It is suspected that because EDCs run along the same path as the body\'s own hormonal messenger, only a small amount of EDCs can trick the receptor into doing the wrong thing.
Is Cosmetics a threat to health?
The cosmetics industry is particularly sensitive to suggestions that some ingredients may be EDCs.
In 2012, the Danish Consumer Council asked manufacturers to stop using 17 EDCs.
Manufacturers of 58 brands agreed, but the companies behind some of the world\'s largest brands did not agree, and they found that their products were named and humiliated by the Council.
These include L\'Oreal, which insists that its products do not contain endocrine disruptors as officially defined by who.
But activists say the results of animal trials and the increasing number of hormones
Related and other unexplained issues justify the \"just in case\" ban.
Professor Kortenkamp says the industry wants all of these dangers to manifest directly in humans.
This is very difficult, in violation of the basic principles of the European chemical regulations, which are designed to avoid causing demonstrable harm to human beings.
He believes it is the responsibility of the industry to prove that EDCs are safe.
\"When you prove this in humans, the baby has been thrown away by the bath water,\" he said . \".
\"There is now a very strong evidence base for what these chemicals can do in controlled experiments in the laboratory, and that\'s why we are shocked.
As the World Health Organization\'s research concluded last year, doing nothing now means ignoring an important lesson from the past.
Lead is \"not an important example of cost in the face of toxicity data,\" the report said \".
While it is known to be toxic to the brain, it has been used in gasoline for decades, even with safer alternatives.
In order to reduce exposure as early as possible, we should \"ban chemicals, even if there is important but incomplete data, but before there is significant and long-term data --lasting harm’.
Not all experts agree.
On September, 18 editors of The Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology signed a letter stating that the EU\'s proposal was driven by \"scientifically unfounded preventive measures\" against \"common sense\"
Establish scientific and risk assessment principles.
It was revealed that 17 of the 18 editors worked with the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, tobacco, pesticide or biotechnology industries.
At the same time, consumers can\'t do anything to protect themselves.
Professor Ivell said, look at the back of the bottle and try to find as few products as possible for these things.
If you can\'t understand the word, it\'s most likely a nasty chemical.
But Professor Kortenkamp added that, in fact, people cannot solve the problem themselves.
For example, we even have phthal salts everywhere. contamination]
Problems in the lab
Experts who don\'t drink plastic drinks. . .
Others say they\'re over.
CHLOE LAMBERTHow is concerned about the reaction of experts to their own exposure to hormones
Destroy chemicals?
Their answer might surprise you. . .
Tyne Hospital NHS Foundation commissioned Dr. Steve Bauer, head of endocrine at Newcastle, and now we have chemicals in our environment that look and behave very much like hormones in our bodies --
For example, double phenol.
The explosion at the Bhopal chemical plant in 1984 followed by an increase in cancer incidence and developmental problems in children have shown us what happens if a large number of these chemicals are suddenly released.
So what happens if a smaller number exists for a longer period of time?
Will there be subtle, long termterm changes?
We have little evidence, but we should not ignore the possibility.
For this reason, I avoid heating the plastic because several studies have shown that this increases the risk of chemicals such as phthalates entering the food.
If I heat things in a microwave, I always take it out of the plastic tray and put it on the plate first.
Phthal acid salts are obviously toxic, and the larger concentration is related to the carcinogenic effect (
When normal cells start to become cancer cells).
The risk of a smaller concentration has not yet been confirmed, but it is an easy thing to do.
I always wash fruits and vegetables to remove any chemical residue, we mainly buy organic food, but I am not fascinated by this.
Alastair Hay, professor of environmental toxicology at Leedsand University, certainly has some evidence that things in the environment are affecting the hormonal state of animals --the so-
Theory of endocrine disruptors
We see it in marine life, and it\'s probably due to hormones coming into the water.
But I don\'t care much about me.
This is because for many of these substances, there is a huge difference between the concentration of destructive hormone behavior and the amount of our exposure --
Even with children
So I didn\'t do anything directly to control my exposure, though as with most people, I cleaned the food carefully so that any pesticides or bacteria could be removed.
Ashley Grossman, professor of endocrinology at Oxford\'s Center for Diabetes, endocrine and metabolism, if you drink bottled water and then refill the plastic bottle, it\'s better to use it in a short period of time instead of weeks and then discard it.
But while there is some evidence of endocrine disruptors and there are some concerns, I have something bigger to worry about.
We bathe in chemicals, including natural, synthetic and other ones, but this has no effect on my behavior.
Professor and editor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Texas at Austin, Andrea Gore-in-
The evidence of the theory of endocrine disruptors by the director of endocrinology is irrefutable, so I am not microwave in plastic or drinking in plastic water bottles.
I have changed some of my kitchenware from plastic to ceramic and I recommend eating fresh instead of processed packaged food at any time.
Professor Alan Bobbi, Director of Public Health England toxicology department at Imperial College London, honorary editor of Food and Chemical Toxicology, does not believe in the theory that endocrine disruptors endanger human health.
Some studies have shown one trend, but others have shown another.
I still use plastic wrap and I use a microwave oven so I avoid using organic food because organic food is more expensive.
Dr. Michel Bellingham, lecturer and researcher in Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine at the University of Glasgow, avoids deodorant, moisturizer and cosmetics that contain chemicals that are highlighted as potential risks, such as P-hydroate, diphenates, no BPA.
They may be absorbed by your skin.
I always wear rubber gloves when using cleaning products and spraying pesticides.
I avoid applying lotion or body powder to my child.
We do not use air fresheners and candles at home.
I am comfortable buying plastic food but do not heat the food with plastic.
The result may be that there is no need to worry about this, but I would rather take precautions.
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