Innocent-looking items like a tissue box hidden camera sometimes tell you everything you need to know, especially in a private room like a bathroom.
Walter had acute arthritis and his doctor prescribed him a powerful pain killer.
Despite the pain, he also took some equally powerful sleeping pills to help him fall asleep.
But recently, he seems to have run out of his medication before his next visit to the doctor, even though the supply goes from one appointment to the next.
May he have forgotten that he took the medicine twice?
Few people had access to the Walter medicine cabinet located in the bathroom, so he decided to try a tissue box spy camera to see if he was taking his medicine or his housekeeper.
The easy solution is to take out the medicine from the bathroom and hide it somewhere else.
But Walter was worried that he might be the culprit.
Taking a double dose of the drug may inadvertently endanger his health.
He was also concerned that if he had amnesia, he might have forgotten where he had moved the pills, so he needed to be sure.
He locates the Tissuebox spy camera so that it faces the medicine cabinet, but does not infringe anyone\'s privacy in any other way.
Sure enough, someone was taking Walter\'s medicine.
The woman who cleans the house once a week is also cleaning up his prescription drug supply.
Walter breathed a sigh of relief as his memory was intact and he replaced the housekeeper and moved his pills to his bedroom where he could keep a close eye on them.
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