If you\'re not the one to throw away old coffee cans but haven\'t really found someone to use them, this is one of the top stories of lifestyle in 2018, and this cunning idea may just be your hack.
Australian mom Leah Gulis is tired of sitting in the garage waiting for her husband to store all the old pots of screws.
Then he showed her something about the lid of the jar, which completely changed her style.
\"When I realized that I had reached the end of another coffee pot, I was making my own coffee.
When I threw it in the trash, my husband Jerry (
He really wants to be recognized for this good idea, so let\'s give him a chance)
\"Urge me to stop,\" she told Kidspot . \".
The Goulis husband then showed the top seal of the Mocona jar falling off, allowing it to act as a separate storage space for things like tea bags or sugar.
\"Now, I don\'t know about you, but the idea of reducing the number of plastic containers packed during a picnic or a trip to the beach sounds good to me, so I decided to share the news . \"
She then shared the hacking on the news mom Australia Facebook group and was shocked by how many moms liked the idea and even shared their own use of the jar.
\"I think it\'s a hacker!
You can also put hummus in the lid and cut carrots for a picnic on the main course.
Funky picnic hack!
A very enthusiastic mother commented. \"Hack.
I\'m going to buy Moona now.
Another Facebook mom interjected: \"I don\'t even know what they did.
I was wondering if it will still seal effectively when you remove the lid, or maybe it will overflow everywhere?
\"Some suggestions include putting the yogurt on top, the fruit in the jar, or making a salad dressing with the lid, while the salad can be kept fresher at the bottom.
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