Just as the environmental minister of Maharashtra, Ramdas kaddam, considered banning the supply of plastic bottles for packaged drinking water in hotels, it was important that he also withdrew a notice issued by the Union water and health department on April 28, 2016, it is recommended to prohibit the provision of packaged plastic bottles during government and ministry meetings, meetings and seminars.
Just as the environmental minister of Maharashtra, Ramdas kaddam, considered banning the supply of plastic bottles for packaged drinking water in hotels, it was important that he also withdrew a notice issued by the Union water and health department on April 28, 2016, it is recommended to prohibit the provision of packaged plastic bottles during government and ministry meetings, meetings and seminars.
The then joint secretary, Saraswati Prasad, said in a notice issued on April 28, 2016 on achieving the goal of \"swacch bharat\" by October 2, 2019, \"I ask you to avoid workshops and so on at formal meetings by making alternative arrangements for safe drinking water that do not produce plastic waste, including workshops held by subordinate offices and PSU.
The letter also stated that the department itself had stopped using bottled water during official business.
Kadam recently announced a ban on the use of plastic bags by Gudi Padwa in March 2018, and considering the impact of plastic on the environment, he has recently advocated the need to ensure a gradual ban on thin plastic cups and plastic plates as they are not the main source of plastic contamination
Ride a bike but end up in a landfill.
As is often said, charity begins with the family, and if Kadam directs that no packaged plastic bottles will be provided at any official government meeting from now on, that would be a good example, the Office of the politician, even stay on the podium during various functions held by the Maharashtra government or its PSU.
In fact, an official of the Ministry of Environment in Maharashtra claimed himself that every meeting chaired by the minister and even the bureaucrats ordered 200 ml packaged vials for convenience, no one knows what happened to the plastic waste generated by the government office, so it should be assumed that it was sent to the landfill
It\'s clear that Mantralaya and all other government departments, PSU\'s-
The size of the entire Maharashtra will be considerable, so if the hotel considers the ban, why shouldn\'t the minister of environment start with his office first to deal with the \"plastic bottle\" demon, this will inspire not only the hotel, but even the company and others.
Environmental activists will actually support and encourage all government offices to store reusable glass bottles, and staff can actually refill with water from packaged water tanks on the market, the minister suggested that the hotel be an effective solution.
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