Awash with plastic bottles and lacking a law, Kenya struggles to recycle

by:HongXing     2020-05-13
NAIROBI (Reuters)-
With global concerns about plastic pollution rising, corporate giants such as coca
Coca-Cola and Unilever are pouring money into the recycling program in Kenya, which they hope will provide a model for other developing countries.
However, voluntary programs lack legal support to get some companies to pay for everyone --
A problem destined for similar programs here.
Many multinational companies are scrambling to support recycling, have been criticized by environmental activists for pollution, and are eager to re-
Use Valuable pet (PET)plastic. Single-
At the UN global environment project summit next week, the use of plastics is a key topic.
But developing countries like Kenya do not organize garbage collection.
Abandoned plastic bottles on the tree
Velvet lawns lined up in Nairobi\'s diplomatic district blocked the Stinking Riverrises downtown.
They float in the sewers of the sunny slum, and the pieces pierce the belly of flamingos and turtles.
The dysfunctional local governments of East African countries are unable to organize recycling sites, resulting in dilapidated family gangs screening mountains of spicy garbage in landfill sites.
Researchers warned that,
Unless the law forces the manufacturer to be responsible for the waste it generates, the led plan is not enough.
A unep report in December found that this \"extended producer responsibility\" law exists in 63 countries, including most of Europe.
There is no such law in the United States, although several states pay for bottle returns.
On the contrary, the United States relies heavily on private plans such as a $100 million closed-loop partner fund backed by companies such as Coca --
Coca-Cola, Unilever, P & G and Pepsi.
Kenya has similar small plans.
The initiative was called PETCO after a successful organization in South Africa.
But in most cases, these funds are only a small fraction of what is needed.
PETCO based in ultra-ultramodern Coca-
Joyce gachuji, head of PETCO, said the Coke headquarters in the heart of Pittsburgh will spend $360,000 this year to fund the collection of 5,900 tons of plastic bottles.
This is about 30% of Kenya\'s pet waste.
But if PETCO also funded a campaign to increase recycling, it would cost about $1 million this year.
She said it had no money.
She declined to disclose the budget, but said the money came from grants from big brands, as well as a $25 tax per ton of virgin plastic resin imported by members.
\"If members don\'t pay, we don\'t recycle,\" said Gachugi . \".
\"This is a voluntary activity.
She said: \"Her members account for about 60% of the pet market.
They hope that next month parliament will add producer responsibility provisions to the waste management legislation.
\"Can 60% of the people who control the market meet 100% of the demand?
\"I said no,\" she said . \".
The first PETCO company in Kenya is also in trouble.
The company was founded in 2010 under pressure from Kenya\'s famous Nobel Prize winner Wangari Matai, an angry writer, before she was promoted to assistant Environment Minister, he was beaten and imprisoned for his environmental activities.
However, court documents show that a year later, the transaction between PETCO and a local recycler broke down because the bottling agent quarreled over the division of the collection subsidy.
Jai Shah said his business went bankrupt due to the collapse of Greencast International.
“The industry (should take)
The problem with this plastic pollution is very serious, not just to promote gimmicks, but to get the government out of trouble.
In 2017, Kenya imposed one of the world\'s toughest bans on plastic bags.
Officials are now disappointed that the authorities have not even set up plastic collection boxes and are considering banning plastic bottles.
\"We are impatient and we are not very happy,\" Jeffrey varhonggu, head of the National Environmental Management Agency, told Reuters . \".
\"Banning is an extreme option, but it is still open to us.
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