Malacca: from May 15, the state government will ban the use of polystyrene food containers in all cafes in government buildings, local authorities and school food establishments.
Datu Kamaluddin Ma Shah, CEO of Melaka green technology, said the move was the first phase of the new project.
\"Melaka without polystyrene\" is intended to reduce the use of polystyrene because the material does not break down and is harmful to the environment.
He said the ruling will be fully implemented by September.
It will expand to all food establishments across the state, including food establishments in private buildings.
\"If the trader refuses to comply with this directive, severe action will be taken and the business license will not be updated,\" he said after the launch of the \"together Green\" program.
Unlike organic matter, polystyrene does not naturally break down through bacterial action, so it is still an environmental hazard for hundreds of years.
They also blocked sewers and rivers.
The freely dumped polystyrene container can collect rainwater and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Kamaruddin encourages traders and the public to use biodegradable food containers made of natural substances such as sugar cane (
Fiber Material of sugarcane stem)and corn.
If you have plenty of time, you can learn how to take care of plastic food container storage. Also, invest in the right plastic food container storage plastic food containers.
Shantou Hongxing Commodity Co., Ltd. plans to produce and execute four marketing seminars, one per quarter, to help business owners see success by sharing important growth strategies and hosting interactive workshops.
Rewards and discount programs give customers more reason to come back for plastic food containers again, especially in the competitive retail and services markets.