why 40 investors are betting on this device to curb america\'s addiction to plastic bottles

by:HongXing     2020-05-23
As millennials begin to give up single lives
Using plastic, the British government announced plans to provide free tap water replenishment stations in every major city and town by 2021.
But in the US, 84% of Americans don\'t like or trust tap water, which is a different solution.
FloWater wants to transform traditional water dispensers to lure consumers out of their dependence on bottled water.
They call it the UN. cycling” --
Not even plastic into the system.
\"We need to get the United States out of dependence on plastic bottled water,\" Rich Razgaitis said . \"
Founder and CEO of FloWater, a startup that sells and installs filter water stations to companies, fitness centers, schools and retail stores.
Single size-
There is little need to reiterate the use of plastic crisis.
Consumers and policymakers are aware that the world\'s oceans, lakes and landfill sites are blocked by large amounts of plastic waste.
\"Think about five similar ancient words --
The gallon kettle is delivered to the far way of our ancestors, to bring the kettle into the well, and then to bring it back to the village --
Now, however, we do this with trucks that also emit large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants to the environment, \"he said.
Razgaitis hopes to translate this European initiative into an effective form in the United States.
With FloWater, Razgaitis and his team hope to change consumer behavior and start to stay away from plastic by creating a water that consumers prefer bottled water.
\"I think the UK\'s intentions and applications are great on a fundamental level.
\"It\'s always a good thing for consumers to get more tap water sources,\" he explains . \".
\"While we all want everyone to drink tap water, there are some substantial issues with tap water today.
\"American consumers have been working on bottled water, but bottled water is vibrant for a variety of reasons.
For example, in Flint, Michigan, the contamination of tap water makes bottled water necessary.
Other people in the more fortunate state don\'t like the taste of their tap water at all.
In addition, a small percentage of the population do not believe in the water in the faucet at all.
He realized that Razgaitis said that it is the water that consumers care about.
Just because resources are readily available does not mean that brands are irrelevant.
There are many brands of bottled water, and each brand promises to provide the most delicious, smart or hydrating water, which can be overwhelming.
The market for the bottled water industry is $100 billion, he said, because consumers care about water.
\"If consumers think all water is equal, then no one will spend money on bottled water in a market where tap water is plentiful,\" he said . \".
Of the top ten best-selling bottled water, more than five are premium --priced brands--
In some cases, a product that costs more than $3 per bottle.
Take-out here is the consumer\'s concern for water;
What is this taste, brand, psychology
He believes that aesthetics, even their \"feelings\" on an emotional basis \".
FloWater wants to beat the brand of bottled water in its own game while pushing consumer behavior to a greener alternative.
So the brand claims to turn regular tap water into what they call \"the best --
Taste the purest water on the market.
The idea is simple;
The flow dispenser takes the nearest source of tap water, after seven stages of purification, and adds a trace of essential electrolyte.
Finally, the water is filtered so that users can feel the taste of bottled water that the brand wants, not plastic.
The brand originally intended to be used on university campuses, and after the initial round of seed financing raised more than $1 million in investment, installed their first fountain in 2013.
However, Razgaitis said, as many startups learn at work, he quickly realized that universities may not be the ideal entry point for them to enter the market.
The first real entrance to the company is the fitness and fitness market, which has become their main market. called bread-and-
Butter in the next few years.
In hindsight, this makes sense.
Both yogis and bodybuilders celebrate the benefits of drinking enough water;
In a sense, hydration itself is a competitive movement among these populations.
But don\'t waste it to do this.
This is perfect for Razgaitis, which has established partnerships, including some fitness centers across the United States.
\"This is a group of people who are very knowledgeable about performance, hydration, and health, and they are very concerned about the value proposition we offer: Not only is it a great --
Taste the water that is free of impurities and plastic and is also the water of performance, \"he explains.
Since then, it has entered many other industries: Red Bull, Airbnb, Prana, Google, Dr.
Bronner\'s, Hilton, Hyatt, Hurley and many others have registered to install these devices in their offices and use them for activities.
Razgaitis, which currently has 40 investors and is expanding in size, insists that the driving force behind the company remains the fight against plastic pollution.
There is a solid logic behind this;
In fact, the plastic used for recycling is rarely reused-
About 38 billion plastic bottles are not recycled.
There is a good reason for this slogan to reduce, reuse and recycle in a specific order.
FloWater is also competitive in pricing: \"The FloWater unit is easily 20 to 30% less than the traditional Fountain,\" he said. “On a per-gallon-
Our research shows that our 7-
Compared with the current market-leading single-stage carbon filter Fountain, the level filter system is reduced by more than 50%.
\"FloWater wants to drive consumer spending cuts;
Not by forcing them to drink tap water, but by hoping to provide them with what they like.
\"By offering better products to consumers --
This is also better for the environment.
\"This is where there is a fundamental change in consumer behavior,\" he said . \".
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