Viral challenge sees people using plastic bottles and toilet seats to pretend they are travelling on a plane and looking out the window

by:HongXing     2020-05-12
A new virus challenge in China is cash.
Tied-up users who pretend to be traveling on the plane are trying to fool their friends and family.
Using a variety of household items as props to mimic an airplane window, the \"fake airplane ride\" challenge involves participants creating the illusion that they flew 30,000 feet in the air and enjoyed their time in life.
During the lunar new year, these funny clips began to circulate on the popular short video app Douyin and saw web users show their creativity by using laundry detergent bottles, plastic stools and toilet seats make their videos more convincing.
\"I was so excited to fly for the first time!
One person wrote along with his video post
Before the lens was reduced, he actually hid under a toilet seat with a picture of the blue sky behind him.
\"Nice View from above!
The other person said before moving the camera away from the \"fluffy cloud\" he was looking.
It turned out that he shot the scenery through the handle of a ceramic teapot.
\"Alas, I was so tired of all the trips!
A woman wearing sunglasses boasted that the next day she found a plastic stool on her head.
Some even use the guidebook and the poster to enjoy spectacular views of the volcano and the tropical islands.
Others were filmed supporting their pets for the challenge, including a very confused husky with a toilet ring around his neck.
A man even raised the challenge to a new level by playing a video of the plane taking off from the runway, and she looked out of the \"window --
Became the handle of a plastic bottle.
On Weibo, the tag \"how to pretend you\'re on the plane\" gathers more than 27 million views.
There are also more than 24 million views on Douyin.
The convincing pieces initially fooled a lot of people, but eventually made the netizens laugh.
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