mps launch probe into environmental damage done by disposable coffee cups and plastic bottles

by:HongXing     2020-05-17
With millions of plastic bottles and cardboard coffee cups thrown away every day, people began to investigate the environmental damage of disposable beverage packaging.
Due to the stagnation of household recovery rates around 44, the civilian environmental audit committee began its investigation, far from the government\'s goal of raising plastic packaging recovery rates to 57 by the end of 2017.
Mary Clay, chairman of the committee, said: \"Our one-off society has given us a wave of garbage on the beach, dead seabirds and fish, and plastic in food.
\"We all love bringing out coffee or tea, but the cups they offer are particularly difficult to recycle because they combine plastic coatings with cardboard.
\"Our survey will look carefully at solutions such as the use of different materials, behavioral changes, better recycling and bottle deposit return plans.
\"Government data show that plastic bottles and coffee cups are particularly problematic in terms of recycling.
At present, only about half of the 35 million plastic bottles sold in the UK every day are recycled.
In countries like Germany, bottle deposits have successfully achieved high recovery rates.
According to a PET study, more than one-off bottles were recovered in Germany in 2015.
In Scotland, activists have called for a deposit return plan for cans and bottles, which the government is considering.
Shoppers must pay an extra 10 p or 20 p for each bottle they purchase, which can be refunded when returning the bottle.
Coca beverage giant
Coca-Cola said it would support Scotland\'s plan.
At the same time, about 7 million cardboard coffee cups are thrown away every day, and only one of the 400 cups is recycled --
The remaining landfill site or eventually in the environment.
In order for the coffee cup to be waterproof, the cardboard must be fused with the most common plastic form polyethylene.
However, standard UK recyclers do not have the ability to separate plastics from other materials, which makes compost and recycling of paper cups uncommon.
Only two sites in the UK have the ability to separate the plastic coating from the paper and allow the Cup to be recycled into new paper products.
The survey will investigate what actions the industry and the government are taking to reduce waste from coffee cups and plastic bottles and investigate possible solutions.
In 2014, the plastic recovery rate in Britain was 23 in 2 countries.
2 million tons were used throughout the year, while plastic bags, food and beverage containers eventually entered the ocean.
Last year, a report from the Alan MacArthur Foundation found that by 2050, plastic in the ocean could surpass fish.
The survey welcomes submissions on how to help increase the recycling of plastic bottles and coffee cups and reduce the number of packages in landfill sites or environments.
All respondents should use a series of questions raised by the Environmental Audit Committee to inform their responses.
The complete list of questions can be found here and submissions should be sent by five o\'clock P. M. on April 5.
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