London\'s new water fountains have saved 155,000 plastic bottles in 12 months

by:HongXing     2020-04-29
In the past of 12 a month in capital around the new water dispenser has distribution the 77,000 more liters of water save the 155,000 more than a one-time \"with of 500 ml a plastic bottles.
Nearly 30,000 litres of water were distributed at Liverpool Street station alone, saving nearly 60,000 bottles from waste.
Chain stores such as Costa, Leon and Pret are also involved in the refill program and the British Museum.
With Sadik Khan promising to install another 100 fountains between the spring of this year and the end of 2020, more fountains are also on the way.
The standard for the evening is required at more subway stations such as the fountain of Farringdon and Chancery Lane.
New fountains have been installed near Old Street station and Piccadilly Circus, and five more will be installed in the coming months.
The study carried out by the # OneLess movement analyzed how much water was used last year as part of the London drinking water fountain fund, each of the 23 water dispensers installed by the mayor.
ZSL # project manager and senior project manager for unorganized activities Fiona Llewellyn (
Animal Society of London)
He said: \"This initiative has proven to be a great success.
Londoners are using these water dispensers to keep moisture throughout the city.
\"Some exciting preliminary research suggests that these fountains may help reduce the number of single-shot
Use plastic bottles, although more research is needed to explore this further.
\"We are very happy that Londoners embrace these freedoms. to-
Use the water dispenser and choose to replenish water in a way that supports a cleaner ocean.
\"A survey of 86 people in two water dispensers in the capital shows that more than half of the water dispenser users are themselves
It is reported that they use less plastic bottles due to more fountains.
More than 80 of respondents also said they consciously avoided using
They use plastic bottles because they want to protect the ocean.
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