it’s time to bid bye to single use plastic | coimbatore news - times of india

by:HongXing     2019-10-12
Coimbatore: The city is preparing to avoid plastic products, which have so far been part of everyday life, with the ban on plastic products taking effect in just three weeks.
The ruling earlier announced a ban on the use of plastic products at one time in the state starting January 1, 2019.
Retailers have begun stocking alternatives to plastic bags
Syrup containers and bags made of cloth, biodegradable materials, paper, etc.
\"We have posted a notice asking the customer to bring the bag.
We also remind them that plastic is prohibited at the cash counter from January.
We are still considering alternatives to packing liquid items in our food court, \"said Dharmar C, manager of Ganapathy Shri Kannan department store.
Karthick P, LongLive pizza shop manager at Saravanampatti, said they had ordered food containers made of syrup.
They will also use cartons with handles instead of plastic covers, he said.
The owner of a rice shop in Sababa colony said he found another option in a non-woven handbag.
\"If the customer buys 5 kg
10 kg. we will pack it in cloth bags.
\"For smaller quantities, we will only use the old newspaper packages,\" he said . \".
The owner of the restaurant decided to use cloth bags, newspapers and banana leaves.
However, they have not yet found a solution for packing liquid items.
\"If we pack sambhar or rasam in containers, the cost will be higher.
We can neither bear the burden of packing nor leave it to our customers.
We hope to find a solution soon, \"said Vivek sannapoorna Gowrishankar group executive director, Sree parayam Road, Mettu.
Mukesh T, another hotel, said he would ask customers to bring the Garmin box.
Another option for him is banana leaves.
Textile shopkeepers say they have begun to switch to cloth bags.
\"As soon as the government announced the order, we placed the bag order.
Our customers will feel uncomfortable carrying bags, so we give them cloth bags and yellow sacks, \"said Amulraj A, manager of Chennai silk at the crossroads.
At the same time, packable bag manufacturers are preparing to face the need for alternative bags.
\"We use cassava starch and waste plant starch to make compost bags that will be made in 115 days,\" said R. Soundharya of Ecofora . \".
City companies may punish violators.
A company Commissioner has taken steps to make people aware of the need to avoid using and throwing plastic items, an official said.
\"The weirdest action should be taken against violators,\" he said . \".
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