How many years of experience does Hongxing Commodity have in producing custom plastic containers?
Since the inception, Shantou Hongxing Commodity Co., Ltd. has started to manufacture custom plastic containers. In the past years, we have made inputs into the development and research, automated production, after-sales service, and new launches. This is why we can never fall behind and maintain a leading position in the industry. The products, wide in application, flexible in use, and promising in market prospect, are sure to go further in the future market. Hongxing Commodity would spend more time upgrading the custom plastic containers and penetrating into more countries and regions.
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Hongxing Commodity is a competitive manufacturer of childrens chairs in China. Our experience and expertise make us stand out in the market. The plastic storage basket series is widely praised by customers. Various fashion designing principles are adopted in the design of HongXing plastic drinking bottles. They include unity, proportion, lines, style, color matching, and so on. The product has been exported to Europe, South America, the Middle East, the USA, Africa, etc. Through the all member's continuous efforts, Hongxing Commodity gain our line recognition with plastic toothbrush stand. The product stands out for its leak-proof design.

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