
environmental defence renews call for plastic bottle deposit return system

by:HongXing     2020-05-02
With the implementation of the deposit return system in Scotland, including plastic bottles, the environmental protection organization once again called on Ontario to do the same.
\"This is a proven best practice that has been applied in each province, in addition to Manitoba and Ontario, and it has been applied around the world, and we know it can get 80 cents (recycling rate)
Keith Brooks, project director of the organization, said.
\"Ontario uses about 3 billion disposable plastic bottles a year, but only half of them are eventually recycled. The other 1.
\"5 billion is ultimately either landfill or environmental as garbage,\" he said, noting that Ontario\'s recovery rate is the worst in the country.
\"Obviously this is a huge problem.
\"Although alcoholic beverage containers have been collected through Ontario\'s deposit return system since 2007
The plan does not include alcoholic beverage containers.
They can be recycled through the blue box program, but Brooks says it\'s actually only half.
A spokesman for the Ontario Department of Environment and Climate Change said that the province will build on the blue box plan to implement the new framework for producer responsibility outlined in the legislation passed last summer, this will require producers to take full responsibility for their products and packaging.
Although Brooks said it was \"good in principle\" to expand the producer responsibility model, he was concerned that the province was making too slow progress in implementation.
At the same time, the recovery rate of the deposit return system is very high.
Ontario projects collect and return a bottle deposit of 10 or 20 cents depending on the size of the container.
It goes through the Beer Store along with the deposit return system that the company has been operating since 1927.
In 2016, the Beer Store reported all containers collected under its own project and all containers collected under the Ontario project.
Other provinces with a wider system have similar success rates.
In BC, the deposit return system accepts non-
Alcohol containers such as cans and plastic water bottles, more than 75 of the plastic water bottles sold were returned.
A similar project in Alberta reported an overall return of 86.
However, the Canadian Beverage Association said that the deposit return system was a mistake.
Association president Jim Goetz noted in a statement that the members of the association are \"proud partners\" of the blue box project, which he said was successful because it was \"convenient\" for residents.
\"In order to build on the success of the blue box Project, a better and more convenient option is to invest in more outdoor activities. of-home and multi-
\"Residential recycling infrastructure, as the beverage industry has done in Manitoba through the Canadian beverage container recycling association,\" said Goetz . \".
But Brooks is concerned that the hesitation in these industries is not the success of the deposit return system, but the cost problem.
\"From our point of view, this is not an acceptable argument,\" he said . \".
\"We can\'t keep littering like this, not in this era, not in the environment where the plastic we know now accumulates in a very bad way --
Just like, the plastic bottle you bought today is about thousands of years from now.
It won\'t crash.
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