Call to bring back water fountains in every town to cut down growing tide of plastic bottles

by:HongXing     2020-05-03
Environmental activists have urged towns across the UK to install more water dispensers to curb the growing use of plastic bottles.
At present, the UK buys nearly 36 million plastic bottles a day, but less than half of them are recycled, and it may take hundreds of years for them to break down once they reach the sea.
Hope to encourage people to reuse water bottles and reduce waste by installing more water dispensers.
Consultant Adrian Gibbs told Sky News: \"The water dispenser encourages us to stay healthy and keep moisture, and they reduce the main resources and emissions of making plastic bottles by avoiding the use of disposable plastic packaging, we can avoid garbage from entering our streams and oceans.
Bristol is already using a water dispenser, and Eumonia, an environmental consultancy, has sponsored a water dispenser.
It is now encouraging other local businesses to follow suit.
Several bars and cafes in the city also allow people to fill water bottles for free, and local top-up apps can guide thirsty tourists into participating businesses.
In theory, the provision of free drinking water in licensed places such as bars, theaters and restaurants is a legal requirement.
But legal loopholes mean businesses have the right to charge people who use glass.
A recent YouGov survey showed 7 out of 10 people70 percent)
Trust that tap water should be more free so people don\'t feel pressured to buy bottled water.
And six months (62 percent)
They said they would not pay for bottled water if there was tap water.
The alarming figures released by the Guardian show that 1 million plastic bottles are sold around the world every minute and are expected to rise by 20 by 2021.
Experts say the popularity of bottled water in China and the Asia-Pacific region has largely driven demand growth.
More than 480 billion plastic bottles were sold last year, compared with 300 billion each year a decade ago.
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