are plastic bottles allowed at glastonbury – what are the plastic rules?

by:HongXing     2020-05-23
As many began to arrive and set up tents to prepare for live music on weekends, it started today.
This year\'s festival looks the greenest.
The country has so far been very friendly and plans to help solve the current environmental problems.
2017, but action is now being taken to stop the amount of waste generated by the activity.
Organizers Emily Eavis said before the festival this year: \"We are all critical to our planet to reduce plastic consumption, and I am glad that together we will be able to prevent more than one million single
Use plastic bottles during this year\'s festival.
Organizers of Glastonbury have confirmed that they will not sell any single
For the first time this year\'s festival, plastic bottles are used.
This also means that they will not appear in the back office, in the dining room or in the dressing room of the performer.
Instead, the festival-
Visitors are encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottles, or buy one on site and fill them with various water aid booths on site.
Although organizers choose not to sell any single
Plastic bottles are used this year and anyone attending the event can still bring them if they want, but if possible they are advised to avoid them. Festival-
Visitors are encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottles to Glastonbury.
There are also a limited number of pre-
You can order the paid Glastonbury water bottle before the festival, or you can sell some water bottles on site, although the quantity is limited.
There will be more than 15 top-up stations throughout the site, where you can also fill in-
Your water bottle is free.
The water is provided by Bristol Water and is of the same quality as regular tap water for families across the UK.
This year, the organizers of Glastonbury are making great efforts to increase the amount of recycling in this year\'s event.
This year the camp will have 100 recyclers available for waste disposal and will help keep valuable farms clean and tidy.
And a ban on single sales-
Using plastic bottles, stainless steel pint cups can also be bought at the Water Aid booth for £ 5, which can be used to get cold drinks from some bars on site.
It will build on the efforts of the last festival held in 2017 to see nearly 45 tons of aluminum cans being recycled. Co-
As part of a trial launched by supermarket chains, the op will also offer a wide range of 100% packable sandwiches.
There will also be aluminum cans of water, compost transport bags and compost bins.
One of the biggest concerns of the organizers is the compliance of the festival
People will be involved in the recycling program, leaving a lot of garbage every year.
This includes tents left in the camp after the festival, many of which are not recyclable.
Emily Eavis told the: \"We want everyone to come to the festival with a strong and healthy body --for-
They will take home the purpose tent again and reuse it in a lifetime camping experience.
\"There is a tent that you can rely on every year, which is much better than going out every year to buy one.
\"People can also apply to be one of them and get a ticket for Glastonbury, which will be refunded once they have completed their cleaning shift after the festival.
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